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  • Artist name::
    H. Kunz um 1900
1.437 offers (in the last 12 months):
  • Watercolor / Drawing: 240
  • Prints: 29
  • Sculpture / Object: 26
  • Painting: 972
15 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
15 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
15 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts
Lot 194-027980/0011 Weiblicher Akt

€ 160
15 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
15 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
17 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
21 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
28 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
28 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
Künstler letztes Viertel 20. Jhdt.
Lot 191-024725/0014 Ohne Titel
€ 150

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