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15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
14 days | Grisebach, Berlin
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
19 days | Van Ham, Cologne
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
7 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
19 days | Van Ham, Cologne
Brigitte and Martin Matschinsky-Denninghoff
Lot 523 Untitled , 1989
Brass, tin on slate
€ 7,000 - 9,000
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
19 days | Van Ham, Cologne
Brigitte and Martin Matschinsky-Denninghoff
Lot 524 Aufbau , 1987
Brass, tin on slate
€ 10,000 - 15,000
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
Antonio Zoran Music
Lot 525 Paesaggio , 1932

19 days | Van Ham, Cologne
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
19 days | Van Ham, Cologne
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
19 days | Van Ham, Cologne

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Art auctions - from all over the world
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