Brian Donnelly, who became world famous as KAWS, is a US-American and was born in New Jersey in 1974. As the inventor of the "Companion" and "BFF" figures with crossed eyes and the art adaptations of Spongebob, Snoopy or the Simpsons, he became a pop star of the international art scene with million-dollar surcharges at the biggest auction houses. Since the early 2000s, KAWS has conquered both the art and consumer worlds. As an artist hyped on Instagram with 2.3 million followers (as of the end of 2019), his figures and paintings fetch prices for which many an art fan might rub their eyes.
515 offers (in the last 12 months)
  • Watercolor / Drawing: 6
  • Prints: 136
  • Photography: 3
  • Sculpture / Object: 276
  • Painting: 44
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